Undergraduate programs Convergent professionals from Far East University
create a new wave in the world

Department of Semiconductor Equipment Engineering

Department introduction

Department introduction
The learning ground to Actualize the dreams of the future leaders of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Department of Semiconductor Equipment Engineering
Semiconductor and display are two of the few areas in which South Korea excels in terms of market share and technological advancement. Also, semiconductors, displays, solar cells, and related material industries yield sales of trillions won each year from the whole globe based on the wide and solid market foundation. The Department offers the theoretical and hands-on education to establish a wide base of potential careers in the device industries, such as integrated circuit with semiconductor equipment, components, materials, solar energy, and displays that are sharing the technological base with semiconductors.


  • The faculty of the Department has field experiences of 10~20 years in the best device, component, material and customizing semiconductor corporations such as Samsung, SK Hynix, and DB Hitek (previously Eastern Hitek) to accurately diagnose the needs for diverse human resources in the semiconductor industry. With their knowhows on education of rich theoretical and technical knowledge, they have designed, run and apply a meticulous and precise curriculum to fulfill the field needs.

Educational objectives

  • Students learn the theories and practices of the required mechatronics control techniques, semiconductor devices, process technologies and component and material technologies to acquire the know-hows, creativity and highly valued production capacities. To educate such qualified professionals, the curriculum is broken down to the beginner and advanced levels to balance the theoretical and practical contents. The faculty with rich field experience operates a diversified academic and industrial cooperation system to provide field trip and training opportunities on theories and field skills during enrollment.

Departmental Vision

  • The Department of Semiconductor Equipment Engineering educates the engineers with theoretical and practical skills to be in charge of daily operation and maintenance of necessary processes and equipment to manufacture semiconductors, displays, and solar light based on mechatronics semiconductor knowledge. Furthermore, the Department produces capable experts in designing and manufacturing related equipment and components.

Educational program overview

Educational program overview
First Year Basic Computer Program I, Semiconductor Chemistry, Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device, Semiconductor Physics, Introduction to Semiconductor, Basic Computer Program II
Second Year Engineering Mathematics, Control Theories, Basic Circuit I, Basic Circuit Experiment I, Basic Circuit II, Equipment Engineering I, Electromagnetics
Third Year Design System Experiment, Material Engineering, Vacuum Technology, Plasma Engineering, Control Practice I, Equipment Practice I, CAD/CAM Practice, Microprocessor, Control Practice II, Equipment Engineering II, Theory of Mechanism.
Fourth Year Circuit Design I, Process Automation, Term Project I, Specialized Component Theory, Term Project II, Equipment Practice, Circuit Design II

Career options

Semiconductor and display manufacturers who operate semiconductor equipment, solar device manufacturers, related component / material producers

  • Equipment Manufacturers such as Eugene Tech, Juseong Engineering, TES, etc.
  • Device manufacturers such as Samsung Electronics, SKHynix, LG Display, Hanwha, etc.
  • Component and material corporations such as LOT Vacuum, Edward Korea, etc.
  • Applied Materials, ASML, LAM Research and other international equipment manufacturers